
Organization Documents
PFMC Articles of Incorporation and ByLaws
PFMC Standing Rules

PFMC 1990-2010

national logo

The National Federation of Music Clubs, conceived in 1893 during the World’s Columbian Exposition, was organized in 1898. By 1915 it had become large enough to have state federations. It is now the world’s largest philanthropic music organization, supporting American music and musicians. It is one of only three music organizations to be chartered by the United States Congress, and the only music organization member of the United Nations. There are 6,000 NFMC-related organizations and music clubs in the United States. Members are professional and amateur musicians, vocalists, composers, dancers, performing artists, music educators, generous benefactors of students, and music lovers, all of whom are interested in creating a dynamic musical and cultural environment in their communities.

gold line
PA logo banner

The Pennsylvania Federation of Music Clubs was organized in Philadelphia on November 8, 1916. Clubs from seven cities were represented. Charter clubs still active are Allentown Music Club, Harmonia Music Club of Lebanon, Schubert Musical and Literary Club of Oil City, and Tuesday Musical Club of Pittsburgh. The PFMC divided into four districts in 1924: Northeastern Pennsylvania, Northwestern Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. On May 5, 1933 the Federation was incorporated as a nonprofit entity in the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, Pennsylvania