Harmonia Music Association

About: Originally named the Harmonia Circle, the group was organized in 1890 by Mrs. Lee L. Grumbine. Since 1897, Harmonia has been affiliated with the Pennsylvania Federation of Music Clubs. In 1905, it became a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs and in 1956, a part of the Past Presidents’ Assembly.

To Join the Harmonia Music Association of Lebanon County, please download and complete the Har Brochure 2023 2024.pdf.

OFFICERS (2023 -2024)

President Pat Walter 717 – 269 -6974  harmoniaprespat@gmail.com

Vice President Heather Buffington 717 -926 -3917 hbuffington1163@comcast.net

Recording Secretary Rebecca Duke 717 -383 – 5568 bduke4100@gmail.com

Corresponding Secretary Kathleen Thrapp 717 -454 -9143 rdkytpp@gmail.com

Federation Secretary Katherine Hoopes 717-279-7494 fiddlekat1932@comcast.net

Treasurer Stephany Houser 717 -272 -6289 or 717 -507 -0915 shouser621@comcast.net

Board of Directors Gloria Tice, Elizabeth Wentling, Billie Yordy

Harmonia Music Association Announces :

Lebanon County Musicians’ Hall of Fame – 2024
Deceased – R. Porter Campbell

Living – Paul Breidenstine, Eric Dundore, Dr. Mark Mecham, Lisa Meyer,

Dr. Shelly Moorman-Stahlman

Mission & Purpose: The Club was organized to stimulate and develop community live music and offer opportunities, recognition, and awards for talented young musicians. Since 1975 scholarships, based upon audition, have been awarded to Lebanon County seniors who plan to attend an institution of higher learning and participate in a music organization.

Location: Lebanon, Pennsylvania, is in the center of Lebanon County, about 25 miles east of Harrisburg.

Events: Harmonia presents a variety of concerts from September through May that are open to the public and held at various community venues.

Upcoming Events:

In recent years, Harmonia has instituted the Lebanon County Musicians’ Hall of Fame. For additional information, please contact Patricia Walter

To nominate someone please download and complete the Har Hall Application.pdf and send to John Copenhaver (Address on Application).

ANYONE can nominate a candidate for the Hall of Fame. If you know of a worthy musician with a Lebanon County affiliation either by birth or by affecting the music in Lebanon County for at least 15 years, please enter them. Names remain on the list to be considered for seven years if they are not accepted when nominated. Check the nomination form, and please submit it on time.  

Scholarship Opportunity: The Harmonia Association offers two $2000.00 scholarships to Lebanon County High School seniors intending to participate in music in college.

Please direct any questions to: Heather Buffington