2022 PFMC State Festivals Piano Competition

Special thanks to all participating studios and the talented students who traveled with their families to the PFMC STATE PIANO FINALS 2022 in Williamsport.

The event was well-run by a group of hard working volunteers: Charlene HubbardPFMC President/WestRegional Competition ChairKristin IversPFMC Vice President/hostBarbara MurrayPFMC Festivals Chair/Awards; Linda Maurhoff, PFMC Treasurer/PFMC Past PresidentSusan StilloEast Regional Competition Chair/Registrar.

Thank you, also, to the volunteer Club members from Williamsport and Darlene Ziegler of Allentown for their assistance in running the event.

As we progress into the future,  we will continue to evaluate and  improve to better serve all the studios and Junior members of PFMC. It takes a village, so we may be calling on YOU for your help. All the current organizers of this Competition serve the Association in various capacities on National, State, Local levels. Please consider giving a small amount of time to make this event a continued success for our students.